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发表于 2020-2-12 10:05:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

2020年4月21-26日,米兰国际家具展Salone del Mobile.Milano即将亮相。展会已举行至第59届,届时将展现诸多创意,并举办大量现场活动。与此同时,七大展览将在米兰国际展览中心同期举行,包括:一年一度的米兰国际家具展(Salone Internazionale del Mobile)、国际装饰配套展(International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition)、国际办公家具展工作环境双年展(Workplace3.0)、S.Project,两年一度的欧洲厨房家居设备展(EuroCucina)与国际厨房家具展(Technology For the Kitchen)及国际卫浴展(International Bathroom Exhibition)。此外,卫星展(SaloneSatellite)作为专为年轻设计师打造的设计平台亦不容错过。

The first touches are being put to the Salone del Mobile.Milano 2020. This 59th edition promises to be jam-packed with ideas and events. The exhibitions that will take place at Rho Fiera Milano from 21st to 26th April will be the annual Salone Internazionale del Mobile, the International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition, Workplace3.0, S.Project and the biennial EuroCucina with its collateral event FTK (Technology For the Kitchen) and the International Bathroom Exhibition. In addition, the unmissable SaloneSatellite, the launching pad for young designers.

米兰国际家具展是业内最重要的国际盛会,亦是展示创意、创新和卓越品质的绝佳平台。 届时,2,000多家参展商将展示结合设计、技术、灵活性和可持续性的当代生活杰出产品与解决方案。

The Salone del Mobile.Milano is the most important appointment for the sector at international level, and the showcase for creativity, innovation and quality par excellence. More than 2,000 exhibitors will be presenting outstanding products and solutions for contemporary living which combine design, technology, flexibility and sustainability.


The Salone Internazionale del Mobile and the International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition represent innovation, research and quality throughout a huge range of styles, featuring increasingly sophisticated, and almost sartorial products. They cater to many and varied aesthetic tastes, in which the stars are products that respond perfectly to the changing contemporary social structure, the consequent rapid changes in the furnishing market and the individual demands of each and every client.


With a huge commitment on innovation, technology, product quality and display, EuroCucina and FTK (Technology For the Kitchen) confirm the extraordinarily liveliness of a segment which has an excellent manufacturing system behind it. They are the sector’s most important and influential appointment, a forum for interface and discussion for leading Italian and foreign companies within the sector and a unique opportunity to scope the latest trends for the most convivial space in modern living. The exhibition’s strong points are its immensely high product quality and wide range of goods, not simply showcasing the latest in contemporary kitchens but also providing interesting and intriguing insights into the planning and future evolution of this particular space. Kitchens are convivial spaces par excellence, favoured places for meeting and socialising, and are increasingly becoming open, fluid and, therefore, organised, orderly and functional areas. Opening out into living rooms calls for effective, intelligent and modular solutions. The concept of static spaces has been cast aside in favour of a touch of magic that can transform the space when needed, rather like a theatre set.


The International Bathroom Exhibition presents a huge variety of projects which culminate in design that incorporates the principles of the circular economy and translates into green orientated, ethically responsible items – from design to industrial development, to financial plan, marketing and communication process and post sales service. The new products featured at the International Bathroom Exhibition reflect the ongoing evolution of this particular space. Bathrooms have gradually moved from being strictly utilitarian and functional places to areas geared to wellbeing and relaxation, and are now taking on new connotations, becoming digital and green-oriented while retaining their power to excite the emotions.


S.Project – launched with success in the past edition – will be dedicated to design products and decorative and technical interior design solutions: a crosscutting exhibition format in complete synergy with all the other events. S.Project will collect and promote solutions from companies with a view to delivering a 360-degree overview of interior architecture and responding to the latest market demands. Multisectoral focus is a distinctive feature of S.Project. It is a space showcasing a vast array of goods ranging from interior and outdoor furnishing, to wellness products, fabrics, lighting, acoustic solutions, coverings and finishes. It will also be an opportunity for reflection on the new perspectives that enable companies to work increasingly ‘synergically’ together. S.Project will act as a new business-to-business platform that underpins the alliance between retail, designers and companies, providing an inclusive experience and the ultimate networking environment. It is the ideal place for showcasing manufacturing quality and excellence and new design concepts and innovative solutions for designing spaces.


Workplace3.0 will feature – like last year – a widespread and crosscutting exhibition format where the exhibiting companies will make their liquid and hybrid presence felt throughout the fairgrounds, as a faithful reflection of the social transformation of the workspace into a flexible, permeable and dynamic space. Workplace3.0 will act as a think tank for exploring and understanding future and necessary changes to collective spaces, a catalyst for developing ideas responding to new market demands. The exhibition will showcase the top design solutions for supply, reception and working areas. Along with business opportunities, Workplace3.0 will provide a 360° overview of the design of new working environments: stimulating, varied and creative areas that put the amalgamation of office, home interiors and public space into practice. Rigid and hierarchically organised spaces will give way to a more dynamic approach, with real time smart, transformable and adaptable furnishings to suit every need: objects that are versatile, hard wearing and functional enough for work but are equally good looking enough to be used as domestic or decorative solutions.

最后,作为全球领先的新锐设计师盛会——第23届卫星展将专为青年才俊提供平台,展示跨越文化和时代的新技术与手工艺作品。我们希望这些年轻人能够在前卫的视野、创意、项目和原创贡献的推动下做出自己的设计。今年,11新锐设计奖SaloneSatellite Award将由来自全球各地的主要设计大咖组成的国际评审团评选颁发。

At last, this year marks the 23rd edition of the world’s leading event for talented young designers ? the SaloneSatellite – that will play host to young talents presenting work spanning heritage and contemporaneity, the new technologies and craftsmanship. Our hope is that these young people will come up with designs fuelled by avant-garde vision, ideas, projects and original contributions. The SaloneSatellite Award will be this year into its11th year: the prizes are assigned by an international jury of leading design figures from around the world.


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