jaxicbfop 发表于 2018-10-11 09:34:30


各位考鸭,本周末将迎来2018年10月13日的雅思考试。十一假期已结束,你的考试准备得怎么样了?临考前来看看本场考试预测机经,也许会助你考试一臂之力哦!以下是本场考试预测机经汇总。http://5b0988e595225.cdn.sohucs.com/images/20181008/e603c31461894ed5971f4c1ef0b36c39.jpeg听力部分Section One场次 20110213 20120519 20070901 2008 2006场景 其他>>>免费咨询雅 思培训机构哪家好:http://www.liuxue315.cn/consult/?ozs=76263-2709(将网址复制到浏览器地址栏,即可)内容概述 一位男子刚搬进一个社区,询问关于订报纸和垃圾回收分类等相关情况。关于社区废物回收:废品回收时间从周三改到周五题型 填空 101. Waste of newspaper is collected: Every second week2. 名字:Peter Wisborough (人物拼写)3. 地址:NO.16 Bridge Road4. 最近的受理点:Central Park5. free of charge :A yellow box6. POST CODE :RH12PE7. 邮箱:helpline@blackcat.com8. 可以回收:Metals9. 不回收:Magazines10. Savvy booklet(常识,介绍手册的名字)冲刺雅思高分,让你离世界TOP 30名校更近一步>>>【免费雅思成绩测试】:http://peixun.liuxue315.cn/exam/?ozs=76261-2709(将网址复制到浏览器地址栏,即可)http://5b0988e595225.cdn.sohucs.com/images/20181008/62b014f0714045ecbace7fe8eb85ff1f.jpegSection Two场次 20161105场景 其他内容概述 电话咨询戛纳交通公司和戛纳基本情况题型 单选 3 配对 7单选 31. C :全球有分支 branches global2. B:提供司机:provide driver3. A:hire a car in the package配对 74. B :有 minibus5. A:可以去路况不好的地方6. B :最近新开业的公司7. B 准时8. B minibus 特征是状况不好(old,poor maintenance))9. B taxi 分成两种类型 取决于 money10. C 银行给的某些面值钞票不多Section Three场次 20121020 20101014内容概述 讲的是两个学生讨论如何开展对老人的调查访问,他们的住址在哪里,然后是取得到他们的东西、让他们明白调查什么,一男一女要准备些什么题型 填空 6 配对 4填空 61. 名单和资料从 phone book 里找,Find the name list and materials from the phone book and then get the trust from the elderly people.2. For preparation: identify suitable topics for the participants.3. Develop trust to get the acceptance of the manager.4. 给老人们阐述课程 purpose. Explain the purpose.5. May record the process.6. Need to make a film.配对 4A: relative of student B: museumC: antique shop D: Participant E: internetF: market7. The first photo ----- D. participant8. The second photo ----- A. relative of the student9. The third is cloth ----- B. museum10. The forth store toy ----- F. internet caféSection Four场次 20150704 2011084学科 植物内容概述 藏红花题型 填空 101. number of saffron 50 grams made: 110002. method of preservation: by drying3. to sell it as powderModern usage4. diet of rice/common dishes (and is widely used in cooking in many cuisines)Medical applications5. to treat disorders of eyes6. in a rats experiment, to avoid light damage (early studies show that saffronmay protect the eyes from the direct effects of bright light and retinal stressapart)Domestic applications in Ancient countries7. In ancient Greek and ancient Crest, people dye for clothesAncient Rome8. cosmetics9. In bath, it is used as perfume for women10. Persian (Iran) dye for carpets口语部分Home(accommodation)Where do you live?What part of your country do you come from?What nationality are you?Can you describe your city / home town / village?Can you describe where you live?What other countries have you visited?SleepHow many hours do you sleep every day?Is it necessary to take a nap every day?Do old people sleep a lot? Why?How to have a good sleep?Do you like to get up early in the morning?Describe an occasion when you changed your mindWhen it wasWhere it happenedWhat you did at the endDescribe a time that you saved money for somethingWhen it wasWhy you saved moneyHow much you savedHow you felt about it>>>完整内容:免费下载2018年10月13日雅思考试预测机经汇总.PDF:http://peixun.liuxue315.cn/ielts/download/31782.shtml?ozs=76261-2709(将网址复制到浏览器地址栏,即可)2018年10月13日雅思预测机经http://5b0988e595225.cdn.sohucs.com/images/20181008/770e6aead4174e1d86ec8be4271a2d81.png表格内容见:http://peixun.liuxue315.cn/ielts/forecast/33658.shtml?ozs=76261-2709(将网址复制到浏览器地址栏,即可)>>>一键输入GPA(2.0-4.0),雅思成绩,快速匹配你适合申请国外哪所院校:http://school.liuxue315.cn/studyassess/?ozs=76262-2709(将网址复制到浏览器地址栏,即可)http://5b0988e595225.cdn.sohucs.com/images/20181008/f567c533cf5747ddb55ba066e374854b.jpeg留学规划和留学申请是一项复杂的长期工程,不能片面听取网友的交流,更不能轻信留学中介的说辞。留学监理网由有20多年国际教育行业管理和服务经验的前教育部官员胡本未老师创立,得到新华社和央视网的高度评价。留学监理网免费为学生提供留学咨询规划建议、推荐靠谱的留学机构、审核留学方案和中介服务协议,受学生委托提供监理服务、督办留学中介的服务过程并“先行赔付”。
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